Tom Mann is a name i`m sure that a lot of people our familiar with.I guess you could say hes one of those "Love or Hate",type characters
I guess i first heard about tom through part Project 5 founder Milk.He had mentioned some kid that would turn up at Burlish,on a ratty ass bike,heckle people to go ride street.Get ridicled for having pegs and no brakes ,then go riding often alone.I`m assumeing this was Mann.
A lot of people might think hes a neo-natzi,angry,opionated,bike throwing angry cunt.
What they dont know is the 2008 Tom.Toms got his shit together.Managerial job,girlfriend,got himself through uni ect.Shit the last time i saw him he was even growing his hair out.Also Mann catches his bars and throws nollies down meat stair sets and can roll with street tec,such as fakies to nollie bebs,or x-ups grinds to bazzas
Due to internet technlogy,i was able to throw a few questions Manns way.That simply would of been too random to ask over a few tinnies.
Take it as you will,lets nit-pick the brain of tinterweb,nibbler the never anonomous Tom Mann
Tom Mann i fucking salute you.BMX needs more individuality and characters that do whatever the fuck they want.
A.Harsh as Fuck opposite feebz.Brum."Goofy Footed for life niggazs"As Mann might say
B.Im sure this double pegs to fakie was done well under the 30 mph speed limit
C.Bars to Crooks.4 pegs kids.Pay attention!
Anger Mann.
Manns Friend
Toms unused clips for the unmade KB dvd
Mann Fuckin taking it OLD.
who,were and what are you?i'm tom mann, 23 and from dudley, in the black country. i work far too many hours in charge of the counters at sainsburys and i try to ride as much street as i can, weather and hangover permitting.
You hate potatoes,potatoe products are mint,especially chips ect. If charlie chans chippery of leeds hydepark sponsered you to eat a bag of there finest in return for 24 red stripe could you do it?i cannot stand the taste of potatoes, they taste of gash. however, let's not beat aroound the bush here, there ain't a lot i wouldn't do for 24 red stripe. red stripe, it's beer. hooray, beer!
Who are and whats happened to the KB?the kb was dent, levi, trigg and key. dent quit riding, me and the mute joined. we went riding, abused people in the street and tried to film. the stories are long, but it went up shit creek, not least when keys lung collapsed.
Describe you bike set up.brakeless, high seatpost, comfy saddle, 3 or 4 pegs, depending on the state of my wheels, small cut down bars, always need flanges on grips, double tyres.
What do you say to the kids that ask you why you tipex "rude words",spray your bike multi colored and put tennis balls,beer matts and spokey-dokeys on your bike?If you were only allowed to run pegs whilst carrying a bag of 4 bricks would you do it or just not run pegs?i was born with 4 pegs.it's a fucking bike. it's meant to be ridden, not sat there being polished so that millions of bg and comeup kids can spunk their load to it. plus, rude words are naughty and make me feel grown up. nah, it's just so it won't get nicked.
Why do you get angry when you ride?i'm generally a moody cunt. much better to take it out on my bike rather then my mates, the missus or random pissed people.
Top 3 things to do whilst not riding
Describe Project 5s "The Mute" in a sentance.an absolute fucking nightmare, but nicest guy you'll ever meet.
Describe your own riding style in a sentance.sketchy, loose and full of tricks most people wouldnt even give the time of day to learn.
Describe street dave aka pain bob in a small essay or paragraph,hah ;)no pussy runs, drop to flat pissed up meathead-
Whats your opion on people bringing fly-outs,ply-wood and quick dry cement to the streets?if it's fun, do it. but changing the spot, ie wood on stairs to make it a flatbank stops it being street. that's skatepark now son. bit of cement on a curbs fine if it makes you able to boost up a spot better, though i do prefer just hopping up them.
Last trick related punny was
can't even remember the last time i had a punny. double tyres and low air pressure for the fucking win.
Top 3 bmx vid/dvd/webeddit riding sections.vinnie sammon - can i eatmike brennan - bulldog bikesjason levy - aspire
Last fight and why?i tend to scream that loud people don't fight me, but i spat in my brothers best mates face for saying he used my clippers on his pubes. cheeky cunt.
Newest trick learned?one footed half cab
UK Bmxer you would most like to see KO..ed
anybody that rides big bars and one of those drop down fit stems and has no orignality
Top 3 albums
street horrrsing - fuck buttonsthe end is close. almost no need for money. - go! with fourteen overy pleasure - duran duran duran
Why are you hated and why are you loved?
cuz i'm a gobby cunt with too much of an opionion. my barspins.
A common misconception about yourself is?
not sure? probably that i'm a miserable cunt that won't speak nicely to you or will just abuse you. i mean, i will, but i will take my shoes off in your house and ask before i get a glass of water. or that i'm into death metal.
Ive seen you throw bazzas perfectly doen ample stair sets ,does the interweb banter bother you at all?
not in the slightest. i give more banter then i get. internet beef won't ever spill over into real life and if it does, i'll smash a sprocket int heir fucking face. :-)
Describe what you enjoy about street riding?
lack of effort involved. don't need to pay. abusing the genral public. pegs. get to see some decent fanny. drops to flat.
Who influenced you the most when you first started riding?
oddboy. we'd session the shittest spots, learning peg stunts and abusing security. i still ride the same spots today.
What has been your most memorable bmx experience?
first leeds trip. it was far to hot, far too many sweaty people in one front living room and wolvo dan was on the fucking shutdown.
The come up,love it or hate it?
i go on there most days and watch the vids, but you're fucked if i'm using their message board.
Top 3 places to ride street(UK)wolverhampton city centreking charles school in kidderminsterblack bars in sheff
Favourite 3 things to ride.medium sized bank to subhuge bank to wallrides 8 sets
What can the everybody expect out of the project 5 DVD?street. bad music. scene kids. links with homosexulaity. good times. the mute...
Describe an average day in the life of Tom Mannwake up with a hangover. go to work, deal with far too many old people and various management twats, eat 3 or 4 sandwiches then go to the pub for pints of bitter.
Describe a perfect day in the life of Tom Mann
wake up, around 10, with mild hangover. have some sex and chill, then get picked up b y the mute. go meet the boys at some new street spots. film a good few decent clips without too much swearing. chat shit all day. go to the pub for pints of bitter and double rum and cokes.
You have your ear to the ground as for as the UK street scene,hows someone thats about to blow up?
i'm surprised no ones picked up whip shaun from s-town yet. it can't be long before someone notices gez either. not that his bike riding is better then anyone else, but he whores himself, traveling wise.
Tell us a joke
how does an elephant get out of a tree?sits on a leaf and waits for autumn.20.Who do you normally ride with?matt 'the mute parker', levi, jard boys, bc crew, wolftown locals.
Shout Outs/Thanks
levi, for free lifts everywhere. the fucking mute, too much. [project5]. anyone who's let me stop at their house. wolverhampton and dudley breweries, (fosters banks's bitter...) the staff and locals at the bridge. sharon for putting up with all my shit.
Any think else you would like to add? Words of wisdom?
don't think, just act. stay in the house as little as possible, always try and do some new shit. buy [project5] tay shirts. come to our street jams. don't fuck goats.
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