
Sunday, 29 May 2011


Craig tull has been updating his flickr with loads of new photos. some really good ones in there. Hes really talented with the iphone take a phot of myself being a tit in the mirror app. Theres no way this guy is vein as fuck or totally into himself or anything like that either!


Craig Tull said...

Haha you're still looking at my flickr. What a fool. I'd fucking smash you if we ever met!

Lolcano said...

haha theres a lot of people who update this website you gonna smash em all and you still looking at this site.... what a fool. peace homeslice

Craig Tull said...

Nah i was googling my name cos i'm so into myself and found this site. Yeh i would smash you all if you were ever big enough to actually say something to my face.

Big Dealer said...

Need more Roids Blad?

Craig Tull said...

Don't use roids and never will. Bad cholesterol. But yeh you'd never say any of this to my face because you're all a bunch of fucking girls riding a kids bike haha. This your all 'street' and 'hood' impressing ya friends on message boards behind the keyboard.

Say it to my face i dare ya...

Check out my Gravel Pit said...

Wu-tang tattoo on your chest renders any comments about trying to be "Hood"and"Street" Invalid!

I like this banter... Back, back and forth and forth
Back, back and forth and forth
Back, back and forth and forth
As we go...
Back, back and forth and forth
Back, back and forth and forth
Back, back and forth and forth
As we go...

Craig Tull said...

Well i gotta little bit of respect for you as you like Wu-Tang or just copy and pasted Gravel Pit lyrics.

I'm "hood" and "street", didn't say i wasn't. Thats why i'd kick your ass back and forth if you did ever meet me personally.