
Thursday, 8 March 2012

Kony Island

Facebooks latest "share & Like" fad is a video which has got the whole interwebs up in arms regarding a nasty man who has been running around doing nasty things. Whilst I am not condoning what he has done the whole idea of posting how bad it is on facebook is tantamount to standing in the centre of Leeds with a big sign saying "I hate AIDS it kills people" you may inform a few people that AIDS is bad but it wont cure it and most people will forget in 5 minutes. Africa had problems before you "liked" this Kony business so if you really want to help, do something useful like volunteering or donating to charity! Facebook is not the way to solve the worlds problems despite what you might think...

But to all you people who think you are changing the world and that your "like" is going to really hit this nasty man where it hurts here is a GIF of your "Like" or "Share" beating him up! You go guys! you go get him and change the world through facebook!
